

Google Keyword Tool

 Google Keyword Tool -

Most people show you this keyword tool first, but I’m showing this tool last.

Why? Recently Google made a change to this tool. You now have to setup an adwords account with Google to access their keyword tool which requires your credit card information.

A lot of people are annoyed with this change, but Google’s keyword tool has always been for adwords advertisers. Google doesn’t make any money if you’re ranking on the first page for FREE; they want you to pay money to get on the first page. People forget that Google makes money through advertisements, so why would they want to help you rank on the first page for free? If you’ve used Google Adwords advertising in the past, then you’ll have access to this tool. If you never used Google Adwords before, then there’s a 90% chance that they’re going to ask you for a credit card. Google may change this later, so you can always check to be sure; but as of right now, that’s the current situation.

If you decide to use this tool, you’ll be able to search for keyword ideas, get historical statistics, and see how a list of keywords might perform well for your website. To find the keywool tool, login into your adwords account and click the tab that says “Tools” at the top. You’ll see “keyword planner” in the dropdown menu and that’s where you need to click.

You’ll arrive at the keyword planner tool, and you’ll be promoted to enter your keyword phrase. You’ll see a lot of other options too, but most of those options you don’t need to worry about unless you plan on advertising on Google.

There’s only two options that you might want to play with. You’ll see an option that says “Targeting” and another option that says “Keyword filters.”

If you’re a local business, you can use the targeting feature to get an accurate count of how many people are searching for your business. If you don’t use the targeting feature, Google will show you the search volume from all over the world. This could be misleading because you might think 100,000/month are searching for your local business, but in reality it might only be 1,000 people.

The “keyword filters” option will allow you to search for keywords based on monthly search volume. For example, you can set a filter that will only display keywords that have at least 2,000 searches per month. This will filter out all the keywords that have low monthly searches.

So enter your main keyword, set up targeting and filtering (optional), then click the button that says “get ideas.”

On the next page click the on the tab that says “keyword ideas.” You’ll see stats for your main keyword and a long list of additional keywords below it.

The list of additional keywords you’ll see are sorted by relevancy. If you want your website to be as relevant as possible, then copy down the keywords in the order they’re presented to you.
You can also rearrange the keywords based on monthly search volume, competition, or suggested bid. The competition tab is for advertisers. “High” competition means that a lot of advertising are bidding to advertise on said keyword. High competition is actually a good sign because that means it’s a profitable keyword to advertise on.
The “suggested bid” column will give you an idea of how much advertisers are paying to advertise on Google for the keyword. The dollar amount you see is only a suggestion and it’s usually a lot higher. Advertisers will pay more than the suggestion to get better placement on Google’s search engine. You can use that information to decide which keywords will be profitable for your website.
You can write down the keywords you like on a sheet of paper, or just click the “download” option. Google will give you 800 keyword ideas for each keyword you search for. You can download those keywords into an excel csv file and sort through them in excel if it’s easier for you.

Choose long tail keywords to rank faster on Google.

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